Warmest welcome to all of our loyal and supportive followers!
We have been extremely busy as always at our Headquarters and we continue to provide virtual and online 1-2-1 support during one of the most difficult and challenging periods in history.
Covid-19 arrived in the UK and has changed the way we think, behave, interact and live our day to day lives. Who would have thought within this period of time our services would be virtual? But strangely this has worked and we have continued to produce support that is in line with the clients needs, and most importantly supporting those to reach their aspirations.
As you know our charity is solely dependent on fundraising and this has been a challenge as we have not been able to proceed with our exciting plans to raise awareness, obtain required funds to keep us running day to day, and celebrate who we are as a charity. We remain hopeful that 2021 is not going to be like 2020 and that we can celebrate with our clients and supporters the positive differences we have made.
New Bungee Jump Date 11/04/2021!
We want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported us so far in our fundraising quest! Without you we really would not be here today; however fundraising doesn’t just stop at one helpful and much appreciated donation, it continues through Facebook birthday fundraisers or PayPal donations too…. where you can select our charity – could you imagine if you chose us, the amount of help this would provide to others!
You can also showcase your support through sharing our social media links, website, posts, and fundstream links for PayPal and Gofundme!
Please see list below and share, share, share away!
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/believeinbeefoundation/
Out Of The Shadows (https://www.outofthe-shadows.co.uk/)
Last week we collaborated with Kendra Houseman founder for Out Of The Shadows, and the ICU movement which has been running successfully for a number of years to ensure no one is left out, ignored, and that everyone’s voices are heard – not only on Valentine’s Day, but everyday!
Kendra continues to be the voice for the unheard and works tirelessly to improve the quality and provision of services for our children most at risk within Kent, and across the UK.
We at Believe In Bee Foundation would like to thank Kendra personally for allowing us to support the cause, and were proud to be part of a dynamic social movement where we saw all social media platforms littered with #ICU. If you have the time to see our video contribution which involved Bianca’s youngest daughter please visit:https://youtu.be/bZnJtmqQdb8
You can additionally subscribe to Kendra’s YouTube channel to receive regular video updates and access previous videos posted including content around Blondy’s People https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPsycYhgRik which we featured last year amongst some other fabulous and inspiring people.
We continue to work tirelessly at HQ – we still have our fabulous students Max and Jamie working with us even though their placement finished with the charity some time ago! Max and Jamie we are honoured to work with such dedicated persons, and we will continue to support you to reach your potential and continue to inspire not only us at Believe In Bee Foundation but all those you come into contact with.