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And …. we are back at Believe In Bee with EXCITING news as we continue to spread the word around the UK highlighting the importance of Mental Health; but this week drawing our focus more towards the children of our future and the difficulties that they have faced throughout Covid19.

When Enough is Enough discussed a possible opportunity to work together, we jumped at this and agreed wholeheartedly without a seconds pause.

For those who know me personally – you know that I have expressed discomfort and feelings of concern regarding the welfare of children all over the world, MOST particularly during Covid19. The government made a decision for children to remain at home to protect them from the virus not understanding that home has never been a safe place and that as such our children may have been exposed to further trauma, abuse (physical, emotional, psychological and sexual) and neglect.

Now schools are open our teachers and social workers are tasked to work with these children and ensure their safety and welfare needs have not been compromised. Their mental health may have also been affected if they have experienced neglect and abuse; or if they have felt isolated from friends, family and routine.

EVERY CHILD MATTERS and we continue to strive to achieve this ideology within the work that we do with families.

In the October 2020 half term, we will be providing a work shop for children, and parents involved in the GOOD work that Enough is Enough is completing within the South of the UK; primarily London. The organisation currently works with children and adults who have been affected or have a current mental health diagnoses offering acting workshops and production opportunities to provide an outlet and creative opportunity to prosper.

Our workshop will provide an educative learning space to promote Mental Health and Wellbeing and to ensure EVERY CHILD KNOWS they matter. In turn this fantastic organisation will be supporting us by writing and producing an acting experience and monologue of our beloved Bee’s life prior to her tragic passing. This will be showcased live/ virtually Covid permitting at our first annual gala which will be scheduled in August 2021 in what would be the third year anniversary of her death.

Watch this space as 2020/21 is definitely a very exciting year for us!

We continue to fundraise to ensure we can locally deliver the services required in Birmingham to reduce the incidence of domestic violence, trauma, and promote the future life outcomes of our clients aged 10-27years.

We have guest blogs throughout the year which will include accounts of real life experiences and learning which we have dubbed “The Teenage Chronicles”….watch this space!

Its all very exciting stuff – but would no way be possible without our loyal followers and fundraising support.

Darren and Lewis have put themselves forward to complete in our charity fundraiser to support the mentors and volunteers access relevant training, and continue the hard work required in the community.

The target is currently set at £500 – even if every one of you donated £1 we would be absolutely grateful.


The jump is on the 23rd November – it is important they do this to prevent further lives being lost

If you would like to donate please follow the below link:

http://<div class=”gfm-embed” data-url=”https://www.gofundme.com/f/darren-amp-lewis039-sponsored-bungee-jump/widget/large/”></div><script defer src=”https://www.gofundme.com/static/js/embed.js”></script>



Author: admin3

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